Care Groups is a terrific program developed by World Relief for reducing maternal and child deaths. It will work alongside the Provincial Ministry of Health. As an AMECO project it would create very intimate ties down to communities and households in Sankuru. Care Groups itself is so powerful, but we will used recruit additional health and development projects. Care Groups will be done on the ESTA platform.​
This is what World Relief says about Care Groups.“Global evidence has shown the effect of the Care Group model for improved maternal and child survival outcomes. A Care Group (CG) is composed of 10-15 Care Group Volunteers (CGVs) who meet regularly for social behavior change communication (SBCC) and related skills building, on various topics. After receiving the lessons, each CGV cascades information to neighbor mothers in nearby households through home visits. By emphasizing the creation of positive new norms, creating a safe space for critical community reflection, CGs are a community-led effective behavior change strategy that deploys organized diffusion for social norm change around key behaviors.
In 1995, World Relief developed the CG model in Mozambique, and CGs quickly gained global recognition and have received significant funding through USAID-sponsored programs. Due to its effectiveness, since its inception, the CG model has been implemented by multiple NGOs throughout 27 different countries. CGs’ ability to extend the health system’s reach through the multiplication of volunteer effort, peer support, and community mobilization makes the model ideal for many projects and programs." - World Relief